World Bank: Implications of Climate Change for Armed Conflict (2008)
Un interessante libro edito dalla World Bank, da leggere tutto d'un fiato, scritto in un facile inglese, per cui non necessita d'essere sintetizzato o tradotto, ma solo rapidamente commentato in alcune parti:
Perchè ho postato su un blog di fantascienza,
un documento Non Classificato
circa Climate Change e Guerre nel 2030s-2050s?
This paper offers an assessment of theories and evidence for a relationship between climate change and armed conflict. We identify three processes through which climate change could cause social instability and conflict: intensification of natural disasters, increasing resource scarcity, and sea-level rise. The risks associated with these processes primarily concern
destruction of infrastructure, increased health risk, and loss of livelihood. Five complementary mechanisms have been proposed:
• Economic instability
• Political instability
• Social fragmentation
• Migration
• Inappropriate response [...] pag.21
The most severe short-term social consequences of climate change are likely to arise from increased climate variability with more extreme weather patterns, resulting in more frequent flooding and droughts. Such events may have dramatic consequences for livelihood, settlement patterns, and regime stability in the developing world, potentially increasing the
risk of armed conflict. In a statistical study of conflict involvement among countries in SubSaharan Africa, Miguel et al. (2004) find that negative deviation in annual precipitation substantially reduces national economic growth, and thereby indirectly increases the risk of civil war. Similar findings are reported by Hendrix & Glaser (2007) and Levy (2007).
E' evidente che la crescita dei livelli di CO2 ha raggiunto quota 402ppm solo da poco tempo, andando indietro nel tempo si ritrovano valori crescenti di CO2 ma inferiori a quelli attuali, non hanno quindi molto senso studi statistici sulle guerre del passato, per la banale ragione che il Climate Change del passato non aveva un impatto così violento e rilevante, come i modelli climatici stimano per i deceni 2030s-2040s-2050s
Ho bloggato su tale scritto, perchè fornisce spessore alla mia collana di Climate Change Wars, nonchè ai miei post del mese di Marzo 2016
La narrativa degli effetti del Climate Change:
Scenari Distopici: the limit to growth, Rome's club (1972)
Filmografia sul Climate Change: distopia Soylent Green (1973)
Filmografia sul Climate Change: distopia "the day after tomorrow" (2004)
Filmografia sul climate change: distopia "il clima che verrà (2007)"